“Our mission is to revolutionize the space for eLiterature whilst bringing higher standards of diversity, accessibility and inclusion to the publishing process. Creators are valued partners who are compensated fairly, and celebrated equally.”
Why Digital Publishing?
Like everything we do together, Party Trick Press began as another wild idea, willed into the world through nervous laughter, side glances and a significant number of “worst-case scenario” conversations. We both saw a need for representation, open collaboration, and an overall elevated eLiterature experience. Enter, Party Trick Press.
Our site hosts a curated collection of inclusive literary works brought to you by current and up-and-coming authors. We pride ourselves on the level of commitment we have to our authors and our ability to form meaningful relationships throughout the publishing process.
As a digital publishing press, we want to keep what is good about the publishing process, and challenge its complicated reputation. More specifically, we are holding ourselves accountable to higher standards of diversity and accessibility, and the ongoing evaluation of what this means.
Finally, we are a press that is digitally-focused. This means that we prioritize eBooks (aka, eLiterature) over print while expanding the idea of what other forms of media can be included in this new literary experience. eLiterature is our priority for a few key reasons, namely to make literature as accessible as possible, both from a pricing and practical standpoint. We also want to be good to our earth by limiting the production of paper products. We believe that eLiterature is long overdue for a makeover, and that creating gorgeous online content is not only possible, but morally responsible.
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