SHIT MY SHAMAN SAYS, VOLUME I by D’orjay The Singing Shaman
In a refreshingly down-to-earth approach to energy medicine, D’orjay The Singing Shaman (they/them) leads beginners and experts alike through some quick and dirty teachings and practices in the self-help chapbook Shit My Shaman Says, Volume I. D’orjay uses their relatable, nurturing, and oftentimes downright entertaining approach to provide wisdom on the topics “When I’m Scared Shitless To Take A Risk,” “When I’m Feeling Overwhelmed By This World,” and “When Shit Is Actually Going Right For Me.” Need a reset and need it fast? D’orjay The Singing Shaman is here to provide the support.
TW: mental health
Your purchase of Shit My Shaman Says, Volume I includes:
eBook (.pdf)
Guided Journey with D’orjay The Singing Shaman, with musical accompaniment by Frederik Robert (.mp3)
Phone screensavers (x2)
What People Are Saying
“Shit My Shaman Says, Volume I gives us the advice that we didn’t know we needed. D’orjay imparts their wisdom upon readers in such a unique and down-to-earth way, helping us all overcome the everyday struggle of simply being human.”
— M.F., Toronto, ON
“An ethereal handbook that offers more than a self-guided meditation, inviting the participant to acknowledge and accept their true selves. What a beautiful way to find light, especially amidst this year which seems darker than most.”
— T.N., Edmonton, AB
“What a f*cking gem! Thank you for providing this simple step-by-step way to overcome the shitty thinking that holds us back. Looking forward to putting it into practice!”
— J.P., Edmonton, AB

Meet the Author
D’orjay The Singing Shaman (they/them) is a full mesa carrying shaman, having developed a unique shamanic practice studying and practicing within different modalities that have both scientific and spiritual elements from around the world. They have been taught by several master healers/shamans within different lineages including completing the medicine wheel at the Light Body School of Shamanic Energy Medicine (The Four Winds Society). They are also an emerging country music singer/songwriter who released their critically acclaimed debut album, New Kind of Outlaw, in 2020. Learn more about D’orjay and all their current projects at dorjay.ca.
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